

Swap Trade

Convert any ERC20 token into any other ERC20 token and pay a fee of 0.1% on all trades — Or provide a referral and receive a 51% discount (0.049% fee).

Liquidity Pool

Deposit an equivalent amount of ERC20 tokens into the pool and start yield farming. The amount you earn will be dependent on the fees paid and the amount of liquidity deposited. Earn ERC20 tokens and Interfinex Bill tokens in every liquidity pool.

10% of the trading fees will be converted to Interfinex Bills and paid out to Liquidity Providers. In addition, 80% of the fees into will be paid out in the ERC20 token that was sold during the trade. The final 10% of tokens will be distributed to Interfinex Bill owners.

Interfinex Bills

The final 10% of all fees that are earned in the liquidity pools will be used to purchase Interfinex Bills. The purchased tokens will then be distributed to Interfinex Bill token holders depending on the amount of Interfinex Bills that each holder owns. The total supply of tokens is 2.1 billion — This supply will stay fixed and will never increase.


● 30% of tokens will be distributed to exchanges.

● 10% of tokens will go towards marketing,

● 30% as community incentives,

● 20% to team members and the final

● 10% to founders.


You can purchase Interfinex Bill tokens here:

#ETF #Ethereum #bitcoin #eth #uniswap #defi #gem #investing #altcoins #exchange #money #cryptocurrency #trading #investment #decentralized.

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Bitcointalk Username: erwin_ibrahim
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1061924
Telegram Username: @erwinibrahim
Participated Campaign: Article
ERC-20 Address: 0xc33a8fD9c68F4fEe836E4F83FC8C1A483D318baF

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