Token SPIZ



Token SPIZ will be an alternative to the option of rent versus purchase because the token will bring benefits to several people. Developers are creating a system in which renting can generate long-term financial benefits, in addition to saving money in the short term for all those involved. from its simplest form, creating a blockchain-based token that will give token holders access to rented properties at reduced rates or generate revenue from token ownership with this mechanism will be an incentive to but everyone, so the first step towards this incredible journey will begin with the sale of the SPIZ token in an effective and stimulating way through its benefits, so the team plans that this will be followed by partnerships with existing owners to target all room rental sectors and co-live, co-work, in a convenient and attractive way because the team will be Predicting that the token itself will eventually become o the first step on the property ladder for many interested parties, assigning value to the token this means that it will increase as everyone can embark on private and professional spaces through the platform, intelligently and accurately as its usefulness of the token will be fully explained and shared openly in the white paper, as the team has a vision of creating a fabulous ecosystem and being able to quickly expand it globally all token holders will eventually be able to live by renting fuel at SPACE-iZ properties profitably and facilitated because the SPACE token functionality -iZ SPIZ will be an accurate digital token that will provide access to private and professional spaces that way, it will be essential Participation in SPACE-iZ IEO token holders by automatically becoming members of the SPACE-iZ ecosystem as soon as everyone receives their all SPIZ tokens Token holders will have access to the workspace and co-live of the SPACE-iZ and preferential rates as a form of incentive and dynamics in the participation of the ecosystem will also have the option of Loan of tokens since all Token holders will receive benefits by lending their tokens, through a Smart Contract Managed securely using blockchain, so it will become immutable with real advantages for more information visit the website and read the white paper for more technical details



the SPACE-iZ Ecosystem it will consist of 3 components, since the token, as well as the token holders and the application itself will be complemented by co-live and co-work spaces through discounts on the platform, as well as the application of technology Blockchain through its Token differential SPACE-iZ will be a special token as SPACE-iZ intends to use blockchain as a tool to aggregate everyone and to transfer value and benefits efficiently, between token holders, as well as all token holders will receive discounts on the spaces listed in the SPACE-iZ app and will have the ability to earn by lending their tokens to holders who do not trade in SPIZ tokens for everyone as the Benefits for Token Holders will save money on rented accommodation as Token Owners loan will be able to generate revenue by lending their tokens through SMART CONTRACT it will be safely managed using blockchain so DApp will rely on its core through the ecosystem, it will be a complete property management and rental solution for all property owners who come to interest , thus a complete online booking platform for tenants and a management tool in the palm of your hand with a token for everyone to strengthen the community itself with the complete integration of the dapp application ecosystem, with its numerous benefits as smart loans based on contracts, will ensure an experience for all users smoothly, totally intuitive and effortless, so it will be dapp's goal will be to keep the whole community very involved through an ecosystem, thus guaranteeing the process of renting a property or lending a token is simply simplified and accelerated. thus discarding the complexities of smart contracts because dapp will handle all portfolio creation, token transfer and discount applications with total ease for everyone



  • KYC: YES
  • TOTAL SUPPLY: 300,000,000 SPIZ
  • AVAILABLE FOR SALE: 138,000,000 SPIZ
  • HARD CAP: $13,800,000 USD
  • SOFT CAP: $5,000,000 USD



Tokensale Information:

The SPACE-iZ IEO sale starts on July 17th

Phase 1: 17.07.2020 , 08:00am, GMT - 26.07.2020 11:59pm, GMT | $0.10 USD | 15% Bonus!

Phase 2: 28.07.2020, 08:00am, GMT - 06.08.2020 08:00am, GMT | $0.10 USD | 10% Bonus!

Phase 3: 10.08.2020, 08:00am, GMT - 20.08.2020 11:59pm, GMT | $0.10 USD | 5% Bonus!

I think it's enough for now, Do not forget to follow & upvote for more content about new potential Project, I will give some links related to Space-Iz Project below. Thank you very much! 

Author : erwin_ibrahim

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