⚡ Bitagro | Decentralized Agro Exchange Platform ⚡


Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness. Regardless of age, gender, poor/rich, country and culture, we all depends on agriculture for our daily food. Technology has transformed every sphere of our society. And indeed in agriculture also technology has spread it's legs. Technology has modernized the agriculture sector. Agriculture is an important sector that is why it accounts for more than 25% of world GDP. As the population increases the demand for food supply increases and we need to adopt technology to produce more.


Decades have been passed but still the agriculture sector have many fundamental challenges. Not all farmers are ready to pay attention to be technologies. Some of they don't have time, some are not technically capable to understand and don't have any idea about it. The agro industry not have enough advanced resources to solve the fundamental challenges such as high commission fees while interacting with customers. After all everyone knows that there are many stages have to pass for agri products before we get it on the table. Starting from raw agriculture products, transportation, logistics chain, grocery stores, retail traders and finally on your table. During every stages some percentage of financial charge will be incurred because of this the final price of goods will be increases. There are lot many intermediary chain present in between the process.

But now thanks to a team of professionals who are considered these problems and are committed to provide advanced tools to solve these problems.

About the project

In order to provide a solution to above mentioned problems experts have created a platform called Agro Exchange. The main aim of the project is to provide a blockchain technology powered decentralized agriculture platform which could potentially solve agri and food related problems with its advanced tools.

The Agro Exchange platform provides a convenient B2B environment for agro-industry participants. The project uses its own internal token to perform every transactions done on agro industry sector and for accessing agro related services. It is worth to note that the platform completely eliminates unnecessary intermediaries and directly links farmers with its customers. This helps to save lot of money spent on high commission.

Design feature

In order to make the platform agro user-friendly the project developers made the interface simple and clear. Firstly, they need to register on the exchange and pass the KYC. The Agro Exchange provides highly advanced and efficient tools to maximize their benefits. Implementation of blockchain technology brings transparency, security and trust in the system.

Agro Exchange provides unique opportunity for farmers to interact with customers without geographical restrictions. For example, farmers from Portugal can interact with customers of Europe, Canada and Russia. In the similar passion customers can interact with farmers easily and securely. Also farmers can find agrotechnical goods in the outside of their states.

Agro Exchange provides various advantages for farmers and customers, some of which are given below,:
• firstly, the Agro Exchange platform is available on web and mobile versions, mobile application called- AgroDex;
• secondly, use of platforms internal token allows to make payments at faster rate with less commission fee, token holders can also pay for services, memberships and will get various other benefits;
• thirdly, with blockchain technology solution and Agro Exchange token, farmers can modernize and tokenize their business, this helps to attract more customers and makes overall development;
• lastly, deployment of smart contract for every transaction brings security and trust in the platform operation;

ICO details

The Agro Exchange uses its own internal token called AGROCOIN. Which is Ethereum blockchain powered ERC20 compatible token. You can purchase these tokens from crypto exchanges at very affordable price.
Token distribution


It is good to see such a real use case projects developing on blockchain technology. Development of blockchain now comes to agriculture sector. Agro Exchange will revolutionize the agro industry by modernizing it. The platform provides more advanced tools and features that it eliminates all the problems related to agro industry. Adoption of blockchain technology brings trust, transiency and security in the system. Thus Agro Exchangedirectly connects farmers with it's customers by eliminating intermediaries. This helps to reduce final cost of agri products.

Finally I would suggest you to read the official whitpepaper of the project for more details. This project needs much public attention and I wish all the best for this great project.

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