Terra Green:The Blockchain platform

Terra Green: The Blockchain platform for the efficient use of renewable energy sources.

The number of inhabitants on our planet is expanding each year. With the development of this pointer builds the volume of farming creation, which prompts an expansion in the volume of natural waste. Such squanders discharge a lot of methane, which adversely influences the ozone layer of our planet. Today, numerous agriculturists are attempting to manage this angle in different ways. Be that as it may, frequently these techniques lead to unwanted outcomes: to water contamination, weakening of soil quality and the arrival of a lot of CO2 into the climate. This applies not exclusively to farming, however different sorts of waste additionally hurt nature. 

As indicated by measurements, humankind creates about 2.12 billion tons of waste, including 100 million tons of natural waste, 1.3 billion tons of strong waste, 10 million tons of waste and 400 million tons of risky waste. 

The Terra Green platform guarantees the sane utilization of waste and its transformation into sustainable power sources, for example, power, warmth, gas, and biofuels, which decreases their effect on the earth.

The Main Goal Of Terra Green.

The fundamental goal of the makers of the Terra Green task is to change the idea of waste and transform it into the biggest asset that has not recently been utilized by individuals. Also, the venture engineers mean to advance the formation of undertakings for the generation of a sustainable power source in all nations of the world by presenting a component of monetary and credit motivating forces, where individuals can get a salary from their interest in reusing.

For reusing at the plant, Terra Green will utilize the most recent innovation, including biomass gasification innovation, gas molding frameworks and frameworks for the generation of manufactured energizes. As a major aspect of this venture, designers are endeavoring to satisfy the accompanying plans:
  • Optimize the operation of CHP by processing biological waste.
  • The use of the Fischer-Tropsch process to produce synthetic fuel in the form of generator gas, which implies the process of gasification of biogas.
  • Methane synthesis from biomass waste.
  • Ensuring production of hydrogen by steam gasification along with gas purification.
  • Pulp from biomass waste that can be used in the pulp and paper industry.
The TGN coin will be the primary budgetary instruments of the platform, which can be utilized to buy platform items, including power and warmth. Since each coin gives a specific measure of power, this money will be more steady than any upheld by fiat or gold.
To guarantee that all the normal conditions are met, clever contracts will be finished up for the supply of power, heat and different products.

The clearance of power, heat and different merchandise will be done by neighborhood administrations, which will disseminate administrations at a reasonable cost to clients.
The TGN coin can likewise be utilized as speculation. From the second year of venture usage, coin proprietors will get 0.5 percent of the complete income from all sustainable power sources. TGN coins can be bought amid an ICO.

The Details of the ICO.

The team plans to move 108 million coins. The expense of the TGN will increment at each phase of the deal. At the principal arrange, TGN 1 can be purchased for $ 0.1, while at the fourth stage, the cost will increment to $ 0.2. You can purchase a token from January 21 to May 2, 2019. 

Delicate top task - $ 5 million, Hardcap - $ 11 million.


Username : erwin_ibrahim
Your TERRA GREEN WALLET address : 203e846871c690957099d8adf31a9e1c

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