
KlickZie11 копия.jpg

Tautachrome is an emerging growth company in the blockchain/crypto-currency sector and the augmented-reality/real-imagery technology sector. Tautachrome has high-speed blockchain concepts in view aiming to couple with the Company’s revolutionary patents in smartphone-image authentication, imagery-based social networking interaction, and augmented reality marketing. All via the smartphone.

Tautachrome is launching the KLK cryptocurrency to support a global trade in goods, services and digital information made possible by its newly patented KlickZie technologies, and required to support the immediacy, transparency, security and global reach of this commerce.

The Company has developed patented and patent pending technologies branded “KlickZie technologies.” These technologies are being developed as two smartphone app platforms, the KlickZie ArK platform (the “ArKnet”) and the KlickZie Activated Imagery platform.

These two platforms implement the cryptocurrency transaction activity in the KLK ecosystem.
• KlickZie ArKs add the blockchain power of frictionless, automated transactions between buyers and sellers in the world of commerce for goods and services of all kinds.
• KlickZie Activated Imagery lets consumers gain for themselves the value of their imagery and their digital information that up to now have been funneled to social networking systems.

Both platforms give users the ability to create digital products that employ the KLK ecosystem to generate new income.
The KlickZie ArKnet platform enables sellers of goods and services to deploy Augmented Reality interfaces, which consist of digital information belonging to the seller, that advertises and facilitates the sale of the sellers goods or services using geo-located interfaces branded ArKs. ArKs are easy to deploy, function world-wide, and benefit all forms of commerce. They serve the world’s goods and services commerce market.

The KlickZie Activated Imagery platform is also intended to be global, serving smartphone users worldwide. KlickZie’s novel Activated Imagery technology automatically “activates” consumer smartphone pictures and videos as this digital imagery is created using a trade secret, invisible marking process. Activation allows the ownership and trustability of the consumer’s imagery and other digital information to be reliably established, permitting the monetization of this digital information using features of the KlickZie Activated Imagery platform. Monetization allows the KLK ecosystem to extract profit for consumers utilizing the consumer’s own personal digital information.

ArKs are floating interactive pictures (ArK Symbols) only visible around you in the Augmented Reality view provided by the ArKnet app using the camera imager in your smartphone. ArKs are intended for goods and service providers as a way to draw attention to customers in the vicinity of a provider’s ArK Symbol. Shoppers and buyers seeing a Symbol can interact with the provider’s goods or services via the Ark Symbol. The picture above is a shopping mall scene, where two stores, Claire’s on your right, and rue 21 etc! on your left, are shown displaying interactive ArK symbols. Claire’s ArK is a “standard” ArK symbol, while rue 21 etc! uses a picture of their “etc. Gold” perfume product as their ArK symbol. Either way, using their smartphone imager an ArKnet app users can touch the store’s ArK Symbol and on their smartphone access the provider’s Ark page containing interest-grabbing information of every kind, including pictures or videos of today’s specials, , in-ArK purchase and checkout features, reviews, links, menus, social media profiles or anything else the store wants to advertise.

Arks are either mobile ArKs, using the app user’s mobile device to mobilize the ArK location, or stationary ArKs, using a set geo location determined by coordinates or determined by fixing the ArK location by moving the ArK owner’s mobile device to a desired location and setting the stationary ArK’s location there.

Providers create their ArKs, decide on their ArK Symbol, choose their Symbol geolocations and provide for license payment to the Company, using features in the ArK app.

The ArK app is free to consumers or other users merely wishing to use the app to survey their environ for the presence of ArK symbols.

Each ArK-creation event is accompanied by a blockchain transaction assigning the user with verifiable ownership of the ArK.

Upon downloading the ArKnet app, a user is given their own personal device ArK and the user becomes an “ArKr.” They now have the ability to not only have ArK2ArK interactions but can then create ArKs for a business or such other sub-ArKs as suits their interests.

ArKs are property. They can be created, bought, sold, and monetized with our KLK crypto currency. ArKrs OWN the ArKs they create in the KlickZie ArKnet.

ArK’s can be used for many human purposes. Imagine an ArK geolocated at a gravesite, providing detail about the person buried there available to all or to selected visitors to the cemetery. Or imagine ArK’s in front of government buildings, churches, synagogues, mosques and other nonprofit organizations providing important organization details to all or to selected ArKrs passing by. Or imagine museums placing an explanatory ArK at each display in the museum.

In all cases, the museum, the church, the cemetery, the shopping mall, and every other venue, the Company will ensure that copious placements of decals will be made providing ArK app download QRC codes enabling people to download the app to immediately start using the ArK app. In the case of the museum for example, a decal might be shown at every display saying something like “Use your smartphone to image this QRC code. Download the ArK app to see and hear information regarding this display.” And as another example, at the shopping mall the ArKnet QRC code and an invitation to download might be on the entry doors to the mall or at other strategic locations.

We envision a KlickZie ArKnet with billions of users and ArKs connecting humanity, commerce, information, crypto currency, and innovation in useful ways. Plus, we want to return the ownership of users information and valuable items such as images and video, back to where it rightfully belongs, the individual.

Consumers download KlickZie’s free app into their mobile device (iPhone, Android or other smartphone).
KlickZie technology activates the pictures and videos created thereafter by the mobile device by invisibly marking the imagery with the KlickZie marking technology. Behind the scenes software captures the imagery and available metadata related to the imaging event, storing it in the KlickZie cloud.

Activation adds new features and usefulness to ordinary pictures and videos. The trustable creation, ownership and handling of activated imagery is trackable across the lifespan of the imagery. Adding trustability to imagery in these days of fake news is significant. Also, people who come across an activated picture can securely communicate with the author of the picture, or with others who have seen the picture, or with the data stored in the picture, by merely clicking or touching the picture.


Trustable imagery has many uses in businesses such as news, insurance and banking where image trustability has immediate monetary value, in science and academia where the use of trustable imagery for the reliable tracking of discovery has scientific value, and in the justice system where evidence grade image trustability has justice value. Wherever there is a mission critical requirement for trustability in supplied imagery, there is a need for KlickZie’s trusted imaging technology.

The activation mechanisms that make Image trustability possible also make “touch to comm” possible, opening up the world of social networking where the image becomes the portal of communication.

Imagery and the communications that happen based on portalized imagery, are both forms of property that can be created, owned, licensed and sold. Such trading is dependent upon a trading ecosystem, the KLK ecosystem, that implements it. Our vision with KLK cryptocurrency is to enable the ownership and vibrant trade of the activated imagery and the imagery based communications that will flourish in the KlickZie activated imagery world.


The KLK cryptocurrency will be the medium of exchange operative in the KLK ecosystem. As mentioned in footnote 1 above, KLK will begin life as the KLK20 currency on the Ethereum blockchain with potential migration in a one for one swap to a KLK coin or token on a blockchain that is faster and more cost effective than the current Ethereum.

To “prime” the ecosystem with KLK currency, the blockchain will inject KLK currency into the crypto accounts of users in support of the organic buying, selling and usage activities going on in the Activated Imagery and ArKnet platforms. Injections will be made under smart contracts implemented in mechanisms including the following.

• The purchase of KLK20 cryptotokens under this and subsequent offerings will put KLK20s into circulation and will fund the build out of the ecosystem.
• When an ArKr, using purchasing mechanisms already in place in the ArK of a selling entity, makes a purchase with credit card or any other cash transfer method from within the selling entity’s ArK, the Company will receive a commission cash-transfer from the selling entity, and the KLK blockchain will issue a KLK reward into the wallets of the buying ArKr, the selling entity, and the Company.
• ArKrs selling goods and/or services and who monetize products strictly in KLKs can register with the Company becoming a “KLK-currency Seller.” ArKrs who are potential KLK-only buyers can register with the Company becoming a “KLK-currency Buyer.” For a sale monetized in KLKs between these two groups, the seller, the buyer and the Company will all receive a significantly higher than normal KLK award for the sale.
• ArKs, other than personal ArKs which are free, will pay the Company a monthly or annual ArK license fee in the form of fiat money (national currency). The blockchain will award the ArKr and the Company an award in KLKs when each ArK license payment is tendered.
• ArK sellers of goods and services are encouraged to give KLK rewards to their customers from their own KLK accounts. The blockchain will provide up to a 50% match to buyers receiving such awards, whether or not they are ArK-based buyers, provided buyer and seller are both KYCd (see footnote 2 regarding KYC).
• Adopters of either app, the KlickZie Imaging app or the ArKnet app, will receive a KLK wallet and a KLK reward deposited by the blockchain into the wallet upon download and registration of the app. Adopters making a referral to someone, who as a result of the referral downloads and adopts an app, will also receive an additional referral-reward from the blockchain.
• Users of the activated imagery app own the imagery they create and/or the communications spaces -the KlickZie Channels- they generate. These items are products, the use of which or the access to, can be licensed by the owner to make money in the form of KLK currency.
• Comms space (channels) on the KlickZie activated imaging platform have a cost. This cost will be monetized in KLKs and paid to the Company by blockchain injection; another means of adding KLK money supply to the ecosystem.
• Ad Revenue. Advertisers will be able to buy and place, for cash, ad teasers in the communications spaces on the KlickZie activated imaging platform. When a user “bites” on a teaser, the Company gets paid additional cash by the advertiser, and the user gets an injection of KLKs from the blockchain for opening the ad.
• Snapback revenue. Online sellers wanting the Snapback feature to be added to the product imagery they place on the web pay the Company cash for the feature, and receive Snapback empowerment on all their product imagery, plus a KLK reward from the blockchain. When a user makes a purchase via Snapback, the seller pays a cash commission to the Company, and the buying user, the seller, and the Company all get a KLK award.
• The Company intends to offer in-app products to users of the KlickZie activated imaging platform. Users making purchases of these products will receive KLK awards.

One billion KLK20 cryptotokens will be distributed as shown in the pie chart. Half of the tokens will be sold in token sales activity. The other half of the tokens will be distributed to Tautachrome shareholders, the KlickZie/KLK team, Tautachrome partners who will use KLK20 tokens to further the KLK ecosystem, and bounty hunters for finding/fixing KLK technical problems.

Of the 20% of KLK20 tokens (200 million) distributed to Tautachrome shareholders, 100 million will be distributed to common shareholders and convertible promissory noteholders during the period of the Cryptotoken sales, and 100 million will be reserved for future distribution to preferred shareholders and future promissory noteholders.
We anticipate the 50% of KLK20 tokens (500 million ) distributed in the token sale to be carried out in several offerings, each offering aimed at achieving funding for specific KlickZie objectives. The KlickZie Roadmap shows the KLK sale offerings and the technical objectives to be achieved.



The KlickZie ArK is a container of valuable digital information that an ArK user wishes to make available to other people. For an individual, such other people might be friends and the individual may wish to deploy multiple ArKs for differing situations. For a business, such other people might be its customers, and a business also might wish to deploy multiple ArKs for different situations.

The contents of an ArK are user dependent and fluid, depending wholly on the wishes of the ArK’s owner.

The KlickZie ArK concept is geolocation centric.

ArKs are information containers that belong to somebody and that live somewhere in geo-space. A personal Ark can live in the user’s smartphone kept in the user’s pocket. When the user moves around, so does the ArK’s location in geo-space. A retail store’s ArK might be located above the store’s main entrance. A museum on the other hand might deploy an ArK of information at each of its exhibit locations.

The KlickZie ArK will be a downloadable app enabling users to create their own ArKs and to achieve the benefits of opening other people’s geolocated ArKs containing valuable information that such other ArK owners may wish to provide. The ArK app is intended to be used by everyone globally and will be deployed as a network of ArKs (an “ArKnet”), supporting ArK2ArK interaction facilitated by peer to peer software, by ArKnet server provided software, or by combinations thereof.

A KLK20 smart contract has been written on Ethereum that enables the monetization in KLK20 currency of imagery created and stored on smartphones equipped with the KlickZie Activated Imaging app. This smart contracting allows the facile, transparent and seamless licensing of use-rights to KlickZied imagery with the KLK20 cryptocurrency as the medium of exchange and with transactions registered on the Ethereum blockchain.



Username : erwin_ibrahim

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