We certainly often see the words "Exchange" or "Exchanger" in the internet world. The meaning of Exchange itself is "Exchange", which means action to get something you want from another party, by offering something as a substitute. Then, we also often hear the words FOREX or Foreign Exchange, the definition for Forex itself is Foreign Currency Exchange or Foreign Exchange. From the few examples above, at least we already know a little about what Exchange is.

An exchange is a trading activity between Bitcoin Value and Other Crypto Currency Values or Fiat Currency (EUR, USD, GBP, and all other country currencies, even Rupiah). More precisely, Exchange is a trading activity of currency to benefit from the price difference that occurs. Actually a lot of misconceptions about the differences between Exchange and Exchangers. They consider it the same, but these two things are very different.

For now the development of the Exchange has been very rapid, because there are already many new Startups that focus on Exchange services. It does not want to make an Exchange platform named Daxico lose in developing their platform. Daxico is a platform exchange that is intended for cryptocurrency, we can exchange crypto assets that we have on several other cryptocurrency such as BTC, ETH & Fiat. In this article I will explain some interesting features about Daxico.

For now we can use the Daxico platform, some cryptocurrency is already listed on Daxico Platform, so we can use the Daxico platform for exchange needs in the interests of our digital investment. Next I will discuss about some of the features that we will get in Daxico.

  1. Security
We will be given various kinds in the Daxico platform, we will be facilitated to register their platforms because the Daxico platform is indeed designed to facilitate the exchange activities that we will do. Daxico registration will not require the following information:
  • No Emails.
  • No Phones.
  • No Limit.
Moreover, the wallet they offer uses a feature that is Free P2P Payments where we can send a digital asset to other Daxico users without any transaction fees.

2. Multi Services

The Daxico platform will be supported by a variety of services that will be used as convenience in the use of the Daxico platform. We will find a variety of services that Daxico 
will offer, namely.
  • Currency Support.
A service where we can store a variety of different digital assets if the assets have similarities in one another.
  • Account Support.
We can several cryptocurrency accounts for one currency crypt, which will be used for various kinds of benefits.
  • User Support.
We can be given User Support services, in this service we can ask for help not only from Daxico, but we can communicate with each other between friends, family & employees.

3.  UI/UX

The interface provided by Daxico is also very simple, they provide convenience in their exchange platform interface. Moreover we as traders will be given a tool to help in reading the market with Technical Analysis.

For now DAXICO itself is in the development stage, but their development has been very good. We can see it from their platform that has been running, some cryptocurrency can we trade through Daxico Exchange. Daxico will be committed to continuously improving their platform, so that the feedback provided by some Daxico users will be very necessary.

All right, all that for the article that I explained about the project from Daxico. If you really know more information about the Daxico platform.

You can visit the link below to get more information.
Username : erwin_ibrahim
ETH : 0x347A7A7dB223A23774375EFfB6b6e96c5Ac64C1c

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