Vanta ICO

VANTA-decentralized network without permissions, which provides real-time, secure, and private interaction. With VANTA, individuals and corporations will be able to develop real-time data services and commercialize these services at low cost. In the end, VANTA will provide unlimited connectivity between all devices regardless of their location. VANTA's goal is to allow individuals to create decentralized networks that perform real-time data transfer, and also process and store this data by selecting intelligent partners, collaborating and evaluating each other using the VANTA network protocol and consensus algorithm. Installing the main VANTA client on your computer or mobile device or installing applications developed using the VANTA API will allow you to participate. Network members compete with each other to get the data transfer / storage / processing task requested by the network in real time and perform key tasks such as finding and connecting peers (for exchanging data in P2P mode), relaying data, caching , processing and verification. ICO:
Problem and solution
VANTA will seek to solve the following problems:
  • Increase bandwidth and network cost.
Current networks and infrastructures that support various networks in real-time reach bandwidth limitations. VANTA solves problems with bandwidth and cost by providing ordinary computers and mobile devices around the world, whose performance is increasing rapidly every year, and will help create networks in real time.
  • The costs of developing real-time networks and problems with centralized services.
Many companies are limited or unable to develop real-time network services. Many companies are forced to use centralized API services, which entails an increase in fees, the provider can stop the API service without notice and the data stored on a centralized server does not guarantee their security and confidentiality. This problem is solved by creating a decentralized network for real-time networks, which does not belong to anyone and is not controlled by anyone.
  • Confidentiality issues arising from the transfer and storage of personal data.
Data that will be transmitted and stored on centralized servers can be stolen. Using the blockchain, the process of transferring, storing and deleting data will be independent and transparent. And decentralized nodes transmitting and storing data in real time, prevent data from being stolen or misused.
  • Access to data generated by devices, and fees for using data.
VANTA intends to create an efficient system that can quickly and safely send and receive data in real time, creating a competitive system that instantly configures networks in accordance with each situation.
Confidence in communication between the parties and confidence in data transmitted from various devices.

In the near future, there will be more and more contacts between people and devices in real time, this will require reliable estimates. Trust will be achieved in the future, regardless of whether the person is engaged in everyday life or the company does business.
  • Platform
VANTA will create its own ecosystem in the form of a blockchain platform, providing many network applications and services in real time. However, VANTA will provide the main module as an SDK and / or API to provide platform-independent access to the VANTA network. Thus, all platforms and applications that require real-time networking can use these services.

Benefits of using VANTA
  • For developers
Will develop and use a real-time communication service that is scalable, reliable and highly reliable at low cost.
  • For users
It is possible to use various high-quality services for free or almost free of charge, without worrying about privacy.
  • For organizations The
opportunity to build a telecommunications network based on the blockchain between various organizations.

  • Communications
Real-time collaboration services, delivery, shopping, car sharing / services related to booking platforms that require communication between users, customer service as part of shopping or booking services, and social dating services.
  • Streaming Services
Live will include online courses, custom video content, sports and game broadcasts and more, while VOD streaming services include movies, entertainment and music.
  • Games
Online interaction data with the game will be transmitted through VANTA, which will provide real-time data processing that game developers need. Tradable goods with a cash value will be tracked by the VANTA blockchain.
  • Internet of things
Some IoT sensors and hubs require thousands to tens of thousands of data per second. These IoT sensors and hubs can use VANTA to process traffic data, factory work data, personalized medical data and social security data, data about connected cars, smart home data, etc.
  • Telecommunication infrastructure
VANTA provides private blockchain solutions for enterprises, government agencies and hospitals wishing to set up telecommunications infrastructure. A blockchain-based telecommunications infrastructure is cost-effective and easy to use.
  • Intelligent Network VANTA
The VANTA intelligent network is a decentralized network that performs the transmission, processing and storage of data in real time. It consists of intelligent nodes that select, interact, and evaluate each other. All nodes in the network participate in real-time competitions based on their computing power, network bandwidth, memory, reliability, and contribution. And nodes that have successfully proven their work can participate in the generation of blocks. This process gradually develops the scalability, reliability and efficiency of the network.

  • Network framework
VANTA Networking Framework is a low-level, non-blockchain network structure that provides network performance for real-time communication and data protection from malicious attacks. Based on the PGP encryption standard and based on Namecoin's decentralized namespace model, this platform provides a solid foundation for VANTA applications. In addition, authentication and communication channel algorithms, based on evidence of lack of knowledge, provide secure data synchronization and integration between multiple devices.
  • VANTA architecture

  • ARKAS Protocol
ARKAS, the next-generation, real-time network protocol, establishes real-time encrypted and confidential data and media channels, including text, audio, video, and streaming. The protocol provides the functions of transmitting, processing, and storing data in real time, selecting peers, collaborating and evaluating each other. VANTA is an evolving network that enhances real-time scalability, reliability, efficiency, and confidentiality of communication, creating a competitive system based on computing power, network bandwidth, memory, reliability, and contributions from all participating devices. The ARKAS protocol creates a new decentralized network infrastructure that connects devices and people in time and space.
  • KANUS Chain
The KANUS chain uses Proof of Networking (PoN), consisting of self-developing intelligent nodes, as well as Verifiable Random Function (VRF) and enhanced Byzantine resiliency (BFT) to ensure scalability, efficiency and reliability. decentralized infrastructure.
The VANTA network uses a consensus-based contention algorithm called Proof of Networking, which improves real-time communication efficiency. Nodes can receive block rewards based on their contribution to the network and computing resources, such as processor, memory, and bandwidth. In addition, the previous BFT-based algorithm required all nodes to accept and verify the proposed blocks in order to achieve consensus. The KANUS chain selects several nodes based on a trusted random function called a checked random function, and the proposal, verification and confirmation is involved in the block.
  • Road map

  • Team members
Ryan Seo, CEO and Founder. Ryan worked at Hewlett Packard Enterprise for about 5 years as a corporate account manager and sales specialist for BCS (Unix), and then moved to Oracle JAPAC as a sales representative, where he remained for 1 year and 6 months. After leaving Oracle, Ryan founded Voiceloco, a software development company specializing in telecommunications.

Adrian Park, Technical Manager. Adrian founded Gamedetect Communications when he was 14 years old. It was the very first search engine for games in Korea. After studying at Seoul National University, Adrian began working at SK Planet as a data expert. SK Planet is a subsidiary of SK Telecom. He then joined Voiceloco, beginning the development of software products, including IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) and voice APIs.

Martin Jung, Data Scientist. Martin began his career at Bixon Networks as a senior software developer and was appointed director of product management in just 2 years. He later moved to Oracle as a technical analyst and received the title of senior technical consultant. After nearly 7 years at Oracle, Martin began his career as a senior technical product manager at Amazon Web Services. He currently works at Teradata as a senior product management manager and has been a member of the team for the past 2 years.

Prof. Inwhee Joe, Ph.D. Head of Research and Development. Invi is currently a professor in the Faculty of Computer Science at Hanyang University. He heads the MNI (Mobile & Network Intelligence) laboratory at Hanyang University, which is responsible for basic research at VANTA.
  • Ticker: VNT
  • Token type: ERC20
  • ICO Token Price: 1 VNT = 0.0009 USD
  • Fundraising Goal: 15,000,000 USD
  • Total Tokens: 56,200,000,000
  • Available for Token Sale: 35%
  • Accepts: ETH, BTC
The cohesive team brings them considerable experience in companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Oracle, Samsung, IBM Korea and Voiceloco, the latter also providing significant support and assistance. The team is going to use its network, and VANTA will work with Microsoft Korea to add VANTA connectivity to Microsoft teams, and this will allow enterprises using Microsoft commands to easily connect incoming / outgoing calls through the VANTA decentralized network. In addition, after launching the ARKAS protocol, VANTA will promote and sell services such as UCaaS, as well as voice and video APIs, to customers around the world, joining the Oracle Partner Network.


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