ExToke is a free free, free, distributed exchange for buyers and sellers. Extoke will strengthen the DEX industry by providing instant, safe and reliable token exchange processes through our XTO Smart Contract.

The problems confronted by centrally managed exchanges include high fees, security concerns (amounts stored in administrator accounts), serious risk of becoming victims of hackers, issues faced by the DEX industry, etc. ,: High tariff, lack of customer service ExToke solves these problems by providing distributed exchange. If you use DEX, you can secure the funds. The ExToke DEX solution provides total security through XTO's intelligent agreement. You own your money and remain safe with your wallet. The exclusive XTO contract from ExToke executes the transaction instantaneously at no charge. ExToke does not pay the occupation fee, their financial resources are nowhere, sitting in a wallet not belonging to them.
Benefits of ExToke
Merchant case: Fee. Without fee, the operator can trade any number of chips without worrying about suffering losses due to the fee. This allows you to use some short-term trading strategies without bothering costs!
Support ExToke provides 24 hour specialized support and guarantees the most effective experience.
To the owner of ICO: marketing. Each token number will be announced through various social media channels and mobile notifications through the ExToke Mobile Trading application. All projects will be included in our website and social network to guarantee the maximum viewers.
The fee is an excellent incentive for investors to exchange tokens at stock exchanges.
Special 24/7 support for developers to allow investors to access unlimited and uninterrupted token negotiation
XTO token details
50% of XTO's total shipping volume will be distributed during the sale of tokens. Each XTO token is initially evaluated at a discount rate of 0.000001 ETH.
Total Supply: 1 000 000 000 XTO
Token Sales: 500,000,000
Hard Cover XTO: 500 ETH
Soft Cover: 50 ETH
Discount Available Discount Rate: 0.000001 ETH 1 XTO
Standard Exchange Rate: 0.0001 ETH 1 XTO
Token Sales Start Date: 2018 June 27th at 5 p.m. (GMT)
Use of funds
Marketing: 63% of the budget will be sent to ExToke's marketing and advertising platform
Additional development: 25% will proceed towards the development of the future ExToke platform.
General manager: 12% will be reserved to cover general and administrative expenses and litigation expenses.
ICO ExToken

In September we will run ExToke ICO directly from the platform. Owners of XTO tokens can run ICO for free and receive a 10% discount on participation in ICO on ExToke platform.
Route Map
June 1,
2018 Alpha Platform June 15,
2018 White Book June 18,
2018 Contract token XTO June 20,
2018, official launch of the platform June 27,
2018 , ExToke began sale 2018 July 21 ExToke End of sales
July 22, 2018 ExToke XTO token begins trading on the stock market
July 29, 2018 XTO is added to the Big Berth
2018 August ExToke uses iOS Android and iOS app Started
September 2018 Software related to ExToke 2.0 ICOlarlar
October 2018 Other developments
Click here for details
Website: https://www.extoke.com
WhitePaper: https://www.extoke.com/white-paper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ex_toke
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/extokecom/
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4506005.0
Github: https://github.com/extoke
Telegrams: https://t.me/extoke
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Facebook: https://facebook.com/duyhenryy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/duyhenryerr
Author : erwin_ibrahim
ETH : 0x347A7A7dB223A23774375EFfB6b6e96c5Ac64C1c