Trade Pharma Network project offers a completely new concept with the solution of the problems existing on the pharmaceutical market today
Trade Pharma Network helps pharmaceutical & healthcare businesses to trade pharmaceuticals safely & efficiently but also to build transparency & trust inherent in the process in their goods & supply chain to prevent counterfeiting of medicines.
The project offers a solution for the following problems:
Preventing counterfeiting of pharmaceuticals
Enabling healthcare businesses to build transparency and trust in their goods & supply chain, creating more predictability for manufactures to manage their supply of medicines more efficiently to prevent medicines shortages and counterfeiting of pharmaceuticals & parallel imports.
Increasing Manufacturing Efficiency
Smart equipment that collects operational data and status (run time, temperature, load, ready to use/in operation/under cleaning/under maintenance)
Add sensor packs to collect device data & build a back-end platform using industrial IoT platforms
Run analytics on the data to predict when a piece of equipment might shut down
Automate incident requests triggered by integration with ticket management systems
Sensors that collect metadata for analysis to identify and reduce causes of process variability and improve production yield
Visibility into human and material movement across the workshop through tracking and monitoring technologies.
Promoting Charity
Empowering people to better connect with the causes they care about by using Blockchain & Artificial Intelligence. With the help of cutting-edge platform, project enable the algorithmically matching of Organizations & Donors and a decentralized payment system with the lowest fees available, globally.
Additive Manufacturing with the 3D printers
The project is going to commercialize printed tablets within the next 2-3 years. The biggest challenge for 3D printing is not the technology itself, but rather the regulatory environment. The project has started, along side partners (pharmacists, academia,…), laying the groundwork for the 3D printing of customized medication at a few dispensing points.
Other project proposals in a nutshell:
Pharmaceuticals Trade & User Experience
The project will be providing a multi-service platform and a new trade related experience for consumers by integrating Blockchain & AI into the Marketplace to create useful, efficient website navigation and provide consumers with more detailed description and visualization of products
Interconnected "Things"
A global network of small, powerful sensors allowing physical objects from heavy equipments, to mobile and wearable devices, to vehicles, physical structures, and appliances to connect, interact and share data with one another using the Blockchain & IoT & IIoT.
Scalable Blockchain Payment & Cryptocurrency Exchange
Users will have the ability to freely convert to whichever token they desire, including the Trade Pharma Network token (TXP), to eliminate fees and purchase services, all in a simple & efficient manner
Pharma & Healthcare Staffing
Building a talent community & strong relationship with niche candidates that some of project customers cannot find themselves
Proof of team:
Key team members:
Creator, Co-Founder, President & CEO - Tyler I. Sainkoudje
Tyler I. Sainkoudje is a Doctor in Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) with a Master of Pharmaceutical Science (M.S.) of Discovery, Development & Quality Control of New Medicinal Products, all from the European University of Brittany - France.
Currently Co-Founder, CEO & President at Tesla Duo Group Ltd, the new web's organization dedicated to online staffing / recruitment & HR-tech, life science & healthcare consulting (Pharma, Biologics, Biotech, MedTech companies & CROs), ICO advisory, parallel importation/distribution, data analytics, blockchain & trust industry, artificial intelligence, 3D-drug printing, IoT & IIoT but also philanthropy & charity, and its network of professionals grows stronger day by day.
Co-Founder, Executive Managing Director - Marie N. Mendez
Entrepreneur & Internet executive with over 4 years of experience, including management of start-ups & small size organizations, corporate development, product development, business ops, and strategy. Currently Co-Founder, Deputy CEO at Tesla Duo Group Ltd, the new web's organization dedicated to online staffing / recruitment & HR-tech, life science & healthcare consulting (Pharma, Biologics, Biotech, MedTech companies & CROs), parallel importation/distribution, data analytics, blockchain & trust industry, artificial intelligence, 3D-drug printing, IoT & IIoT but also philanthropy & charity, and its network of professionals grows stronger day by day.
Project partners:
The ICO:
During the ICO, the token will be directly delivered to the investors throught the Smart Contract and will be frozen until the end of the ICO.
The unsold token will be burnt at the end of ICO and the different ratios will be kept the same to maintain a good equilibrium of the new ecosystem and its economy.
No new emission of token will be done after the end of the ICO.
The TXP token:
Total supply: 1 Billion tokens
Token price: $0.07
SoftCap: $2.5 Million
MiddleCap: $10 Million
HardCap: $20 Million
Important dates:
Private Sale: 20 August - 28 September
Pre TGE: 2 October - 16 October
Main TGE: 17 October - 16 November
Official website:
The Lightpaper:
#Marketplace #Trading #Medicines #ArtificialIntelligence #Blockchain#TokenSale #TradePharmaNetworkICO
Author: erwin_ibrahim
ETH : 0x347A7A7dB223A23774375EFfB6b6e96c5Ac64C1c