Crypstock is an innovative centralized exchange platform based on blockchain technology.Crypstock automaticaly makes it possible to create artbitrage transactions to provide revenue for ICS Token holders. 
Crypstock has a regular crypto exchange to, where merchants can get better prices on crypto transactions on the market and a complicated inter-exchange arbitration system, which works with some tools and is beneficial for the token holder.



These ideas are some of the professional tools that provide opportunities for regular merchants to work at a better price for trading. With the complex configuration of trading operations on the exchange, immediately receive income on the exchange rate difference and, thereby, make money for CONSTANT and AUTOMATIC token holders.

This Multi-Purpose System Includes:

Crypto exchanges
Automatic arbitration system with multiple subsystems
ATM crypto terminal network for input and output of banknotes
POS system to receive cryptocurrency in place of trade
A safe crypto purse


Token ICS Token
ICS allows to pay fees and use services. This token is advantageous, since the system will pay 30% of the profit generated by all automatic inter-exchange operations from the CrypStock subsystem

Token HCIS
You get a HICS token for 20% of your token holder exceeding USD 5000 and it's also profitable. However, HICS token holders receive an extra 20% distributed profit, generated from all automatic inter-exchange transactions from the CrypStock subsystem. What factors make the token revenue increase. See below.


There is no easy way to Deposit or Widhrawals Cryptocurrency and many verifications like email, messages, etc., but Crypstock develops its own ATM Network from Crypto Terminal. 

Crypstock is developing a crypto terminal network already established in several countries and will be working in test mode already by 2018. We are actively developing our own network of contributions and will share our revenue with contributors, including exchange revenue.


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"Accurate Information"

Profile Name BTT: erwin_ibrahim

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